Friday 17 August 2012

Faith is a law; it always works

A law is something that will always work whenever put to use. We have several laws, such as the law of gravity, the law of flotation and many others. These laws will always work whenever they are applied. The bible reveals that faith is a law (Romans 3:27). This means that whenever you walk in faith, you will always get the desired results. The bible records several men of God who through faith accomplished great exploits; they obtained a good testimony through faith. Faith will always bring forth fruit whenever you walk in it. Faith has the ability to draw things from the spirit world to the physical realm. Faith is one of the things that please God. Since faith is a law, it will work for both Christian and non-Christian. If you are going to live in victory every day of your life, purpose to walk in faith. The devil is scared of anyone who purposes to walk by faith, because faith never fails. It is therefore important that you learn how to walk in faith. Faith thrives on the knowledge of the Word of God; the more of God’s word you know, the stronger your faith will be. Your faith can be as strong as you want it to be, all you need is to put it to work through practicing to walk in it.

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