Wednesday, 5 September 2012

The power of Joy

Joy is an attribute of the human spirit; it is a result of a deep conviction/assurance of victory or success. There are several things that yield joy, e.g. victory, success, hopes fulfilled or generally, good news evokes joy. The kind of information that gets into us is also responsible for whether or not we shall enjoy a joyous lifestyle. It is important to feed your mind with information the right stuff; information that edifies; that which is of a good report.
Good news evokes joy
What joy can yield
Having highlighted some of the things that yield joy (victory, success, good news, etc), let me now share what joy can produce:
Joy is not just a product; it is also a producer. By this I mean that joy has the power to yield success, prosperity, increase, promotion, etc. This is one unique attribute of this priceless virtue! May be I should highlight more on this with an example of the children of Israel: in Joshua chapter 6, the children of Israel brought down the walls of Jericho with just a shout of joy! Rejoicing produced what they desired to see. Instead of it being the other way round-that the walls should first fall before they rejoice, it was the rejoicing that came first. God wants us to live that way; to rejoice even before we see anything physically; that is faith. Rejoicing even before you see anything has the power to produce what you desire; it is a spiritual principle.
Joy can be evoked deliberately
God wants us to rejoice regardless of the circumstances around us. This is the very reason the Holy Spirit through Paul spoke in Philippians 4:4: “rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice” God knows that by simply rejoicing, regardless of what is going on around us we shall be able to see what we desire. We are children of faith just like our Father.
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